
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Incursion: Jim Bailey Posted project update #17 72 hours until Event Horizon and a New Deal

72 hours until Event Horizon and a New Deal

Breaking update title protocol :-)
So, here we are, at a new beginning. Our campaign has been in continual evolution since day 1. We, the uninitiated, made alot of mistakes, in large part due to our risk-averse position. Please know that we are not a big game company. We are just two guys: Jim Bailey and John Roberts . Our personal money and the financial security of our families are on the line here. The number we need to hit to feel secure personally for everything previously on offer is 155k. We're close enough to that as of the last couple of days to begin to take some real risks. That's good news for all of you :-)
We are doing two things, effective now:

1. We are adding a box of Sturmzombies to the Grinder and Double Feature pledge levels
2. We are lifting ALL restrictions on the Buckets of Blood switch-outs of the t-shirt and extra board.
I intend to spend the next three days away from my architecture office with 100% focus on generating and updating "what you get graphics" , new stretches beyond 205k,and responding in whatever detail you require to your personal emails and messages.
Thank you all for your support. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. John and I will do what it takes to earn your support if we have not done so already.
Jim Bailey

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