
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Orland man a triple-crown winner in Pokemon BY MIKE NOLAN Sun-Times Media August 30, 2013 3:30PM

He recently parlayed his studies — of the game, that is — into an unprecedented third title as world champion of the Pokemon Trading Card Game at the 2013 World Pokemon Championships in Vancouver, British Columbia. The event drew participants from more than 25 countries.
The Orland Park man also was crowned world champ in 2006 and 2008, and no other player of the trading card game has achieved such a distinction. The world championships — first held in 2004 — also produce a first-place winner in the Pokemon video game, and one player has reached that pinnacle three times.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Incursion Jim Bailey Posted project update #19

Final 24- A Bit of Business

We're headed into the last day of the campaign so I thought we should clear a few things up and talk about the post-campaign. People who intend to add to their pledge later should pay SPECIAL ATTENTION.
1. We will send out a survey within two weeks of the completion of the campaign. This will allow you to allocate your pledge dollars as you wish and provide us with all of your contact information. At this point you can also add to your pledge.
2. If you need to pay for some of your pledge via paypal, we will ask you to return the survey with a request for a paypal invoice in the comments section.
3. We will then begin taking "pre-orders" on our soon-to-be-updated website. Initially this will include most if not all options available through this campaign. We will reach a point sometime around November 1 or so where we'll need to shift to pre-order for retail-level only options because we'll be moving into production.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The end of a tcg World of Warcraft

Blizzard Entertainment has announced the end of the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. Timewalkers: Reign of Fire will be the last expansion set. The game is going out with a bang, though—the final set contains every Loot card from the previous 20. - See more at:

Incursion: Jim Bailey Posted project update #17 72 hours until Event Horizon and a New Deal

72 hours until Event Horizon and a New Deal

Breaking update title protocol :-)
So, here we are, at a new beginning. Our campaign has been in continual evolution since day 1. We, the uninitiated, made alot of mistakes, in large part due to our risk-averse position. Please know that we are not a big game company. We are just two guys: Jim Bailey and John Roberts . Our personal money and the financial security of our families are on the line here. The number we need to hit to feel secure personally for everything previously on offer is 155k. We're close enough to that as of the last couple of days to begin to take some real risks. That's good news for all of you :-)
We are doing two things, effective now:

Monday, August 26, 2013

Pack of Heroes - A Vintage Comic Superhero Card Game! by Adventureland Games Weapon Pack 6 Revealed! Update #41

Hello everyone!
Well in the final stages of the campaign, we just reached our final over-funding goal! That means Weapon Pack 6: The Celestial Legacy made it into the game! So here it is, some preview art for the final 2 weapon cards, Enyalius' Golden War Mace and The Invigorating Supernal Essence!

Defenders of the Realm: Minions by Eagle Games Update #15

NEW STRETCH GOAL at $85,000! The DEMON GENERAL wants to join the party!

I have moved the Alternate Demon General--the one without an artist sketch or a name--this is a leap of faith in the Realm folks--up to an $85K stretch goal.
If everyone opts to pledge the $15 needed to paint these 3 alternate Generals, not only will they look really cool, but we will also raise the needed $9,000 immediately and put us over the $85K needed to get that Demon General to join the PARTY with us!
Late fourth quarter rally time! Got it in 'ya?
Rick, for Eagle Games

Incursion: Jim Bailey Posted project update #16

Day D+25 Update- Stretches and Buckets updates

Another stretch busted! Man, we're racking up a lot of free figs and cards now. Let's go get that HMG APE at 120k!
John and I have been digging deep. I think we're all the way to China at this point :-) As we've said, the goal of this campaign is to get as much done as possible without causing us to have to borrow more money. We've been cautious to date as experience has taught us we need to be. We're not a big game company with a fat cash reserve sitting around. We've cut out all the fat now and are committed to getting our own cash contributions to this KS development reimbursed down the road at retail.  As of this moment, the AWESOME new stretch chart reflects the best we can do. We're taking a little risk on the stuff past 165k, thinking we can make it up on the backside. The personal risk for us is biggest at the 200k level plastic drop troopers but we're willing to accept that. Buckets of Blood: we hear you. There needs to be some more value for some of you who don't want board and t-shirt (silly kids!). We are doing three things beyond what we have already done, effective now:
1. You may exceed the amount of the items you are switching out and make up the difference by adding to your pledge.
2. You may now include the poster as one of your switch-outs in the calculus. If you wish to switch for JUST the t-shirt, we'll allow you to switch it out even-steven. Please don't make that statement more complicated than it is. Extra ten dollars, blah, blah, blah :-)